Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.Psalm 119:2 (New International Version)
"This has been a trying year, beginning with the death of my father, " BeBe Winans said in a statement shortly after being cleared of charges. "Even though this allegation has affected not just me, but also the entire Winans family, my children and certain aspects of my career, I chose to stay quiet because I knew the truth. To be exonerated of all charges shows the power of trusting in God, and is a wonderful Christmas gift for me and my children."
"This situation has made me a changed man," says Winans. "But it has also helped me see that there needs to be legislation that protects the rights of father's when it comes to the custody of their children. All men are not deadbeat Dads, all men are not abusing women. And it's unfortunate that the legal system and society assume the worst before they hear the truth. My children are my first priority and I want and need to become the voice for the men around the world who are doing the RIGHT thing

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